Wednesday, January 28, 2009

January 2009 - 2

Snøen faller. Hunden ligger dypt begravet.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

January 2009 - 1

En romantisk ferie ga ingen resultater.

In English:
A romantic vacation yielded little results.

Thoughts on titles

I've been struggling a bit trying to figure out how to title the various posts with my nanotales. They're only 6 words so they'd be their own titles if I used them in the headings. :-) Solution:

The title will be the month & year in which I wrote it, along with the number if I write more than one in one month. The text of the post will contain the nanotale and, if there is one, its translation.

Hva er en nanotale?

En nanotale er en novelle som bare består av 6 ord. Noen vil vel si at det kan være 6 ord eller mindre, dvs opptil 6 ord ... men personlig liker jeg den strenge definisjonen, så jeg sier 6 ord eller ingenting. :-)

En slik novelle/historie bør oppfylle ett av to kriterier, ideelt sett begge:
1) Den bør fortelle en historie
2) Den bør inneholde en dobbel mening

Nærmere forklaring: Man kan konstruere en setning med 6 ord som ikke sier noenting til leseren utover informasjonen som akkurat de 6 ordene inneholder. En nanotale inneholder i all sin kortfattethet både en begynnelse og en slutt hinsides sitt bokstavelige innhold - den setter lesernes fantasi i gang og skaper en historie i tankene deres.

Det å skape en nanotale er et forsøk på å gripe utover det bokstavelige.

Men husk at dette er mine personlige definisjonspunkter. Jeg vil ikke tvinge mine tanker om dette på noen. Men jeg håper at det kan vekke interessen og få andre til å tenke ... og kanskje til å skrive ... ? ;-)

Monday, January 19, 2009

What is a nanotale?

A nanotale is a short story that consists of only six words. Some will say that it can be six words or less ... but personally, I like the strict definition, so I say six words or nothing. :-) No redefining the haiku for me ... :-)

The nanotale should fulfill one of two criteria, or ideally both:
1) It should tell a story
2) It should carry a double meaning

That is to say, a sentence may be constructed with six words that still says nothing to the reader beyond the information contained in those words. (I hope that makes sense. :-) A nanotale holds in its brevity both a beginning and an end beyond its literal content ... it starts the reader's imagination working and puts a story into their mind.

The creation of a nanotale is an attempt to reach beyond the literal.

Please bear in mind that these are my points of definition. I'm not looking to force my thoughts about this on you. But I hope it can pique your interest and get you to thinking ... and then, perhaps, to writing? :-)

A note on language

I will post in English as much as possible on this blog.

However, I am Norwegian, and do sometimes write in Norwegian - and the members of my writers' group, who have written some great nanotales that I hope to include here - all write in Norwegian ... so some material in my own language will be included. With translations, though, where that is possible.

I also hope to get contributions for this blog from others, and if I do, then all languages, really, will be acceptable. So if you read this, please keep in mind that while English is without question the lingua franca of our day & age, not everyone is comfortable writing in English when expressing themselves in prose.

Any questions about translations or anything to do with language, please post a comment with your question on the relevant post. :-)

Mission statement

What is the purpose of this blog?

It was created pretty much spur of the moment. It's a project. I'm sure it will take time - as in, Rome wasn't built in a day - but I hope that this blog can become an interesting collection, over time, of nanotales both by me and by others. Fingers crossed. I wrote my first nanotale earlier this month and I think the process is fun and the results entertaining - hence, I want to do something with this. Which I hope I will, on this blog.


Can you spot the nanotale in this post??